Elogi del dia
Aquesta setmana he treballat a estones perdudes en un article que m’han demanat pel proper número de la Revista de debat polític de la Fundació Rafael de Campalans (FRC), sobre “Els factors emocionals en la darrera campanya presidencial dels Estats Units“. Rellegint les meves notes sobre el tema i la documentació que tenia recollida, he retrobat el poema que es va llegir en la presa de possessió del President Obama. En la cerimònia es va reservar un paper central a la cultura: la cançó que va interpretar Aretha Franklin, la peça de John Williams que varen interpretar Yo-Yo Ma i Itzhak Perlman , i la poesia d’una excel.lent poetessa, Elisabeth Alexander, creada per la ocasió “Canço d’elogi del dia“. Us la reprodueixo per què em sembla una meravella:
A Poem for Barack Obama's Presidential Inauguration Each day we go about our business, walking past each other, catching each other's eyes or not, about to speak or speaking. All about us is noise. All about us is noise and bramble, thorn and din, each one of our ancestors on our tongues. Someone is stitching up a hem, darning a hole in a uniform, patching a tire, repairing the things in need of repair. Someone is trying to make music somewhere, with a pair of wooden spoons on an oil drum, with cello, boom box, harmonica, voice. A woman and her son wait for the bus. A farmer considers the changing sky. A teacher says, Take out your pencils. Begin. We encounter each other in words, words spiny or smooth, whispered or declaimed, words to consider, reconsider. We cross dirt roads and highways that mark the will of some one and then others, who said I need to see what's on the other side. I know there's something better down the road. We need to find a place where we are safe. We walk into that which we cannot yet see. Say it plain: that many have died for this day. Sing the names of the dead who brought us here, who laid the train tracks, raised the bridges, picked the cotton and the lettuce, built brick by brick the glittering edifices they would then keep clean and work inside of.Praise song for struggle, praise song for the day. Praise song for every hand-lettered sign, the figuring-it-out at kitchen tables. Some live by love thy neighbor as thyself, others by first do no harm or take no more than you need. What if the mightiest word is love? Love beyond marital, filial, national, love that casts a widening pool of light, love with no need to pre-empt grievance. In today's sharp sparkle, this winter air, any thing can be made, any sentence begun. On the brink, on the brim, on the cusp, praise song for walking forward in that light.