IC2 Institute. Transferència tecnològica i desenvolupament econòmic a Texas
Una de les visites que més m’ha interessat: la que hem fet a un Institut de la Universitat de Texas, el IC2 Institute. El seu director David V. Gibson ens ha explicat com, seguint la filosofia del seu fundador, George Kotzmetsky treballen (aquí i arreu del món) per afavorir el desenvolupament econòmic i per crear riquesa a partir de la transferència de tecnologia.
About IC² |
As an interdisciplinary research unit of The University of Texas at Austin, the IC² Institute has advanced the Theory and Practice of Entrepreneurial Wealth Creation. The theories and hypotheses developed at IC² are tested in life-scale through several world-recognized programs: the Austin Technology Incubator, one of the world’s most prominent business incubators, the Bureau of Business Research, to provide Texas leaders with research data to strengthen the state’s economy, and the Global Commercialization Group, to catalyze emerging knowledge-based economies throughout the world. Supporting these programs is a proactive staff, an award-winning faculty, the alumni of ATI program, as well as a network of about 240 Global Fellows who extend the talent reach of the institute at home and abroad. Eighteen of these are Endowed Fellows: professors at The University of Texas at Austin whose research is supplemented by the IC² Institute in order to directly support the creation of new knowledge. |
Aquest era un altre dels temes que jo havia sol.licitat i la reunió ha estat en aquest sentit molt profitosa. La veritat és que aquest viatge, com ens deia ahir una de les persones amb les que ens varem trobar és una oportunitat d’or per aprendre i establir relacions.